Mini Bili Sparks at Dot To Dot London Childrenswear Trade Show

Mini Bili Sparks at Dot To Dot London Childrenswear Trade Show

Mini Bili made its debut at London’s independent childrenswear trade show, ‘Dot to Dot’ on its 10thEdition held at the Vinyl factory in Soho.

Being one of the ‘Spark’ brands as first timers to the show, it was an exciting prospect to connect with retailers face to face, gaining their perspective and feedback on what is happening on the front end of children’s boutiques across the U.K.

As a bespoke brand, it became clear from the show that our processes are unique from those of other luxury kids wear brands. With us the norm is for our clients to choose from a range of vintage fabrics, designing to the specifications for their children and making exclusive pieces.

Having spoken to a few independent retailers throughout the show, we found that our process can be transferred to a wholesale, bespoke model- an entirely new and exciting way of working in itself! We touched upon the idea of retailers being more involved in the aesthetic of the range they choose to buy, tailored to their boutique by selecting swatches, and having more of an input on the silhouettes. 

This event alongside attending Bubble London last year proves that the aesthetic of vintage fabrics, and the durability of them stand out from the usual jerseys of kidswear.

All in all the two day Dot to Dot buzz has given us more fuel to make more luxcycled kidswear as there is a space for what we have to offer as a brand. We have come out feeling more confident in approaching boutiques about our bespoke wholesale model and look forward to bringing more exciting features to our Mini Bili range.

If you are a kidswear retailer and want to find out more about what we have to offer, we'd be happy to hear from you!






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